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Tag: Emilie Goldberger

Emilie Goldberger: First essay soon!

Emilie Goldberger: First essay soon!

The first academic essay on Emilie Goldberger – edited by Prof. Dr. Sabine Meine and Dr. Kai Müller – will soon be published in German by Königshausen & Neumann on April 1. The publisher’s preview (p. 58) reports: “Among the modernizations and upheavals that characterized Europe’s modernity before the Second World War, the women’s movement also changed cultural and musical life. Women artists began to confidently raise their voices against social inequalities between the sexes. The subtle writer Virginia Woolf…

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Allow me: Emilie Goldberger, piano virtuoso!

Allow me: Emilie Goldberger, piano virtuoso!

Thank you for being here. One more person who is about to learn about an amazing woman from Vienna, whose piano playing drew applause from almost all of Europe: Emilie Goldberger (1858–1942). A web presence for a woman who was unknown for some 80 years until February 2023. Clara Schumann (1819–1896) is known as the most important pianist of the 19th century – an icon, revered and appreciated worldwide, who was sometimes sneaked into concerts in disguise like the legendary…

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